How to use iDenfy

This article provides instructions on how to configure B2CORE to use the KYC provider, iDenfy.

How to generate the iDenfy API key and secret

The iDenfy API key and secret are required to configure the connection between iDenfy and B2CORE.

To generate the API key and secret:


Sign in to your iDenfy account and navigate to Settings > API keys.


On the API keys page, click the Create button.

A popup will display the generated Access key and Secret access key. These details are shown only once, so make sure to save them.


Click Download .csv file to save the generated keys to your device, or copy and securely store them using your preferred method, such as a password manager.

Set up a webhook in your iDenfy account

To receive verification updates from iDenfy in B2CORE, you must set up a notification webhook in your iDenfy account.

To set up the webhook:


In your iDenfy account, navigate to Settings > Notifications.


On the Notifications page, click Create new.


In the Notification details section, fill in the following fields:

  • In the Name field, enter a name for the webhook, such as B2CORE webhook.

  • In the Notification type dropdown, select Webhook.

  • In the Receiver field, specify https://{your-Back-Office-URL}/api/v1/verification-idenfy/handle.

  • In the Event type section, select ID VERIFICATION in the Type dropdown.

  • In the Signing key field, enter any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols to create a signing key for the webhook.


Click Save to create the webhook.

How to configure a connection to iDenfy in the B2CORE Back Office

Only admins who are assigned the permissions to manage external connections can set up a connection to iDenfy.

To set up a connection:


In the B2CORE Back Office, navigate to System > External connections.


Click +Create in the upper-right page corner.


On the Create connection page, fill in the following fields:

  • In the Name field, enter a name that you want to use for the connection.

  • In the Caption field, enter a caption that will be applied to the connection in the Back Office.

  • In the Provider dropdown, select IdenfyConnection.


Click Save to create the connection.


In the connections list, find the iDenfy connection that you've created and click Edit to enter the connection details.


On the Edit connection page, specify the following settings:

  • In the Host field, specify

  • In the UI host field, specify

  • In the Key field, enter the Access key generated in iDenfy.

  • In the Secret field, enter the Secret access key generated in iDenfy.

  • In the Signature secret field, enter the webhook Signing key that you specified when setting up the webhook in iDenfy.


In the Enabled dropdown, select Yes.


Click Save to apply the settings.

How to create document groups for iDenfy verification

Create document groups to enable clients to submit various documents supported by iDenfy for verification. For each document (such as an ID card, passport, driver’s license, and others) that you want to make available for verification, create a separate document group with the appropriate name.

To create a document group:


In the B2CORE Back Office, navigate to Verification > Document groups.


Click +Create in the upper-right page corner.


On the Create document group page, fill in the following fields:

  • In the Name field, specify the name of a document group.

  • In the Caption field, specify a document group caption that will be displayed in the B2CORE UI.

  • In the Type dropdown, select One.

  • In the Description field, specify a description for the document group that is used in the Back Office.


Make sure that Yes is selected in the Enabled dropdown.


Click Save to create the document group.

How to create document types for iDenfy verification

For each document group that you've created, create a document type.

To create a document type:


In the B2CORE Back Office, navigate to Verification > Document types.


Click +Create in the upper-right page corner.


On the Create document type page, fill in the following fields:

  • In the Name field, specify the name of a document type.

  • In the Caption field, specify a document type caption that will be displayed in the B2CORE UI.

  • In the Description field, specify a description for the document type that will be displayed in the B2CORE UI.

  • In the Group dropdown, select a previously created document group with which this document type must be associated.

  • In the Max files field, specify the maximum number of files that clients can upload for this document type.


In the Status dropdown, select Enabled.


Click Save to create the document type.

How to create verification levels for iDenfy

You can create verification levels or modify the existing levels to use iDenfy for verification.

To create a verification level:


In the B2CORE Back Office, navigate to Verification > Levels.


Click +Create in the upper-right page corner


On the Create verification level page, fill in the following fields:

  • In the Index field, specify a non-zero integer value.

    The zero (0) index is always assigned to the default verification level. For other verification levels, the index must be greater than zero, such as 1 for Level 1, 2 for Level 2 and so on.

  • In the Wizard dropdown, select IdenfySDK.

    The iDenfy popup will open in the B2CORE UI, enabling clients to follow the verification instructions and submit the required documents.

  • In the Caption field, specify a level name that will be displayed in the B2CORE UI and mobile app, such as Level 1. If required, specify the localization properties for this field by clicking the button located on the right side of the field.

  • In the Desktop Description field, specify a description of the level to be displayed in the B2CORE UI. This description can include the permissions granted to clients once they obtain this level.

    The description for the B2CORE UI can be specified in the HTML format. If required, specify the localization properties for this field.

  • In the Mobile Description field, specify a level description to be displayed in the mobile app.

    The description for the mobile app can be specified in the JSON format. If required, specify the localization properties for this field.

  • In the Visible dropdown, select Yes.

  • In the Default dropdown, select No. (Level 0 is always the default verification level).

  • In the Assigned Client Right dropdown, select a permission level defining the set of permissions that you want to grant to your clients after obtaining this verification level (for details, refer to Client rights).

  • In the Document groups dropdown, select one or more required document groups. For example, you can select ID_CARD and RESIDENCE_PERMIT if you want your clients to submit their ID cards and residence permits to receive this level.

  • In the Client tests dropdown, optionally select one or more accreditation tests if you want to force your clients to pass these tests before they can submit their documents for verification. The list of available tests includes all the tests with visibility set to Yes, which are displayed on the Client tests page.


Click Save to create the level.

Last updated

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