How to integrate MetaTrader
This instruction explains how to create platforms, product groups, and products that are required for enabling MT4 and MT5 functionalities via the B2CORE Back Office.
For managing live and demo trading accounts on both MT4 and MT5, it's required to configure separate platforms, product groups, and products for each in the Back Office.
No external connections are required for MT platforms. Connections to these platforms are established within B2CORE via the internal WEBAPI service. All credentials needed to connect to the respective MT platform are configured in Products > Platforms.
How to create a platform for MT
To create a platform for MT:
Navigate to Products > Platforms.
Click Create in the upper-right page corner, and then select MetaTrader 4 or MetaTrader 5 in the dropdown.
In the Create platform popup, fill in the following fields:
In the Name field, enter a unique name for the platform.
In the Caption field, enter a caption that will be applied to the platform in the Back Office.
In the Income transfer request dropdown, select:
Yes — to require admin approval and create requests for transfers to MT accounts via the B2CORE UI.
No — to process transfers to MT accounts via the B2CORE UI without requests.
In the Outcome transfer request dropdown, select:
Yes — to require admin approval and create requests for transfers from MT accounts via the B2CORE UI.
No — to process transfers from MT accounts via the B2CORE UI without requests.
Click Save to proceed.
On the Edit platform page, specify the following settings:
In the Short caption field, you can optionally specify a short platform caption.
If you configure a demo platform for MT, select Yes in the Demo dropdown; otherwise, make sure that No is selected.
In the Status dropdown, select Enabled.
In the Settings section, specify the following connection setting:
MetaTrader connection
In the Host field, specify the IP address and port number for accessing the MT server.
In the Login field, enter the login for accessing the MT Manager.
In the Password field, enter the password for accessing the MT Manager.
WEBAPI connection
The WEBAPI connection settings are provided by your account manager.
In the Host field, specify the domain name and port number for accessing WEBAPI.
In the Access token field, specify the token used to access WEBAPI.
In this section, specify the additional settings:
In the Max inactivity days field, enter the number of days after which MT accounts will be archived if no activity is detected during that period.
In the Web Terminal URL field, specify the URL of the web trading terminal. When specified, the Trade button will appear on account cards for the respective platform in the B2CORE UI and mobile app, enabling clients to navigate to trading with a single click.
In the Use reporting on the platform dropdown, select:
Enabled — to activate the Send reports option for MT accounts created via B2CORE.
Disabled — to keep the Send reports option disabled for MT accounts created via B2CORE.
Click Test connection to validate the connection settings.
The checkmark displayed on the Test connection button indicates that the connection has been configured properly.
After the connection settings have been successfully validated, click Save.
How to create a product group for MT
To create a product group for MT:
Navigate to Products > Groups.
Click +Create in the upper-right page corner.
On the Create group page, fill in the following fields:
In the Caption field, enter a caption for the product group. This caption will be assigned to the product group in the Back Office and will be visible to clients in the B2CORE UI.
In the Description field, enter a group description.
In the Type dropdown, select Default.
Click Save to create the product group.
How to create a product for MT
To create a product for MT:
Navigate to Products > Products.
Click the Create in the upper-right page corner, and then select:
MetaTrader 5 Live — to create a product for managing live accounts on MT5
MetaTrader 5 Demo — to create a product for managing demo accounts on MT5
MetaTrader 4 Live — to create a product for managing live accounts on MT4
MetaTrader 4 Demo — to create a product for managing demo accounts on MT4
In the Create product popup, fill in the following fields:
In the Platform Group dropdown, select the appropriate group existing in your MT manager. MT accounts created based on this product via B2CORE will be assigned to this group.
In the Currency dropdown, select the currency for the product. The available currency options in B2CORE depend on the settings of the selected platform group. For example, if a platform group in the MT manager is configured for
, thenUSD
will be the default currency option for MT accounts created with this product via B2CORE.In the Name field, enter a unique name for the product.
In the Group dropdown, select the previously created product group to include the product into that group.
In the Factory dropdown, select
to denominate MT accounts created with this product in currency subunits (for example, cents); otherwise, leave1
.In the Type dropdown, select:
Trade — if you create a product for managing live accounts
Demo — if you create a product for managing demo accounts
Click Save to proceed.
On the Edit product page, specify the following product settings:
In the Name field, you can modify the product name. The name must be unique.
In the Caption field, enter a caption for the product. This caption will be assigned to the product in the Back Office and will be visible to clients in the B2CORE UI.
In the Default leverage field, enter the default leverage ratio that will be assigned to MT accounts created automatically when the Auto creation on login option is triggered.
In the Leverage field, enter one or more leverage ratios that client can select when creating MT accounts via the B2CORE UI.
In the Rights and Default account rights dropdowns, select the required permissions that will be applied to the product (such as
,Trade enabled
,Transfer deposit
, andTransfer withdraw
).The default rights will be assigned to MT accounts created automatically when the Auto creation on login option is triggered.
For a list of possible permissions, refer to Product permissions.
In the Max accounts field, enter an integer value to define the maximum number of MT accounts that a client can create for each currency added to the product.
For example, if
are added as currencies to the product and the Max accounts option is set to1
, the client can create one account inUSD
and one account inEUR
based on this product.To set no limit on the number of accounts, specify -1.
To forbid clients to create accounts, specify 0.
In the Mail dropdown, select:
Send or Default — to automatically send email notifications to clients when new MT accounts are created, providing them with the necessary details to start trading.
Don't send — to disable email notifications about new MT accounts.
In the Mail template dropdown, select the email template that will be used to send notifications about new MT accounts.
In the Start amount field, specify the amount that will be automatically deposited to demo MT accounts upon their creation.
In the Min deposit amount (USD) field, you can optionally specify the minimum deposit, in USD, required to create an MT account based on this product.
In the Auto creation on login dropdown, select:
Yes — to automatically create MT accounts based on the product settings when clients first sign in to the B2CORE UI.
No — to create MT accounts based on this product manually.
The First transfer activation option is only applicable to MT5. In the dropdown, select:
Yes — to create MT5 accounts without the
Trade enabled
permission. This permission will be assigned to the account upon the client's first successful transfer.No — to create MT5 accounts with the
Trade enabled
permission, immediately active for trading.
In the Agreement link field, specify a link to the document to which clients must consent in order to open MT accounts via the B2CORE UI.
In the Link info field, specify a link to a resource with additional product information, which clients can access when creating MT accounts via the B2CORE UI.
On the Currencies tab, you can review the currency associated with the product and add more currencies if necessary. The available currency options are limited by the settings of the platform groups configured in the MT manager.
After configuring the product settings, activate it by selecting Enabled in the Status dropdown.
Click Save to create the product.
MT accounts related to the respective platform can now be created based on the product via the Back Office or B2CORE UI. Any changes to product settings will directly impact how the product is displayed and functions for clients in the B2CORE UI.
If both MT4 and MT5 platforms are needed, follow the same instructions to configure the other platform.
Last updated
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