Event types for triggering event notifications for Back Office users

The following is a list of event types supported for delivering event notifications to Back Office users via email, SMS, Slack, or Telegram.

If pre-configured templates for sending notifications via email, Slack, or Telegram are available for a specific event type, the template names are indicated in the Template column. For event types without pre-configured templates, custom templates should be created.

Event type
Event name used in the Back Office

Account archiving request


Notifications about requests to archive client accounts.

Email template: archiveAccountRequest

Account creation request


Notifications about requests to create new client accounts (such as trading accounts or wallets).

Account deletion request

DeletingAccount RequestEvent

Notifications about requests to remove client accounts.

Address update request


Notifications about requests to update client addresses.

Admin user created


Notifications about new users registered in the Back Office.

Email template: AdminUserCreated

Avatar upload request


Notifications about requests to upload photos to client profiles.

Client test passed


  • Email template: Test Passing (to admin)

  • Slack template: TestPassing

  • Telegram template: TestPassing

Client test request

ClientTestRequest Event

Deposit request


Notifications about requests to deposit funds to client accounts.

Event log comments


  • Email template: EventLogMessage Email

  • Slack template: EventLogUserTagged

  • Telegram template: EventLogUserTagged

Internal transfer request

InternalTransfer RequestEvent

Email template: TransferRequest Received_toManager

New IB app request


SMS provider error

NotifiableException Event

Successful exchange

ExchangeSuccessful Operation

Notifications about successful exchange operations.

Successful payment


Notifications about successful payments.

Email template: DepositSuccessful_ toManager

Successful registration

Successful Registration

Notifications about newly registered clients in the B2CORE UI or Back Office.

Email template: SuccessfulRegistration (to admin)

Successful withdrawal

PayoutSuccessful Operation

Notifications about successful withdrawals.

Email template: WithdrawDone

Suspicious transaction


Email template: RedTransaction

Transfer request


Email template: TransferRequest Received_toManager

Verification level update request

VerificationRequest Event

Notifications about requests to update client verification levels.

Email template: VerificationUploaded_toManager

Withdrawal initialized

PayoutRequest Initialized

Notifications about withdrawal requests created by clients.

  • Email template: WithdrawRequestReceived_toManager

  • Slack template: PayoutRequest Initialized

  • Telegram template: PayoutRequest Initialized

Withdrawal request

WithdrawalRequest Event

Notifications about requests to withdraw funds from client accounts.

Email template: WithdrawRequest Received_toManager

Last updated