
On this page, you can view a list of countries that your clients can select when signing up to the B2CORE UI (if they are required to select a country during registration).

A country is listed on the Registration form if a switch displayed in the Enabled column for this country is in the active state. A country is hidden on the Registration form if the switch is in the inactive state.

The following information is provided about each country:


The identifier of a country in the system.


The name of a country (for example, Mexico).

Full name

The official name of a country (for example, the United Mexican States).

Country code

The code assigned to a country in the system.

ISO 3166-2

The geocode assigned to a country (as per ISO 3166-2).

ISO 3166-3

The geocode assigned to a country (as per ISO 3166-3).


The capital city of a country.


The name of a national currency.

Currency symbol

The graphical representation of a national currency (for example, $).

Currency code

The Alpha code of a national currency.

Currency sub unit

The name of a fraction of the main currency unit (for example, cent).

Region code

The area code assigned to a country (as per UN M49).

Sub region code

The area subcode assigned to a country (as per UN M49).


If the switch is in the active state, your clients can select this country when signing up to the B2CORE UI.

You can download the list of countries to your computer as a CSV or XLSX file. To do this, click the CSV or Excel button located in the upper-right corner of the page.

Last updated

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