Field types and validation rules

Field types

The supported field types for the Registration wizard include:

  • input — a text input field.

  • group — a container that holds one or more fields of various types or other groups.

  • passwordButton — a password input field that includes a show/hide button for toggling the visibility of the entered password.

  • select — a dropdown that enables clients to select a single option from a predefined list.

  • multiSelect — a dropdown that enables clients to select multiple options from a predefined list.

  • radio — a single-choice selector that presents several options, enabling clients to select one option from a predefined list.

  • boolean — a checkbox field that enables clients to mark it as either true or false.

  • date — a field for entering or selecting a date.

  • phone — a field for entering a phone number according to the predefined format.

Validation rules

Data validation rules that can be assigned to the Registration wizard fields include:

  • required — indicates that a field is required.

  • email:rfc,spoof,strict — validates that an email address follows the correct format.

  • unique_active_email — ensures that an email address is unique and not already registered in your system.

  • password_length — validates that a password meets the required length.

  • password_content — validates that a password includes the required characters and symbols.

  • same:password — ensures that the password entered in the Password confirmation field matches the one in the Password field.

  • string — a string of characters.

  • min:1 — requires a minimum of one character in the entered string.

  • max:30 — limits the entered string to a maximum of 30 characters.

  • info_name — validates that an entered string includes allowed characters.

  • phone:AUTO — validates that a phone number follows the correct format.

  • distinct — ensures that the phone number is unique and not already confirmed by another registered client in your system.

  • date — validates that the entered or selected value is a date.

  • age:18 — ensures that a user is at least 18 years old (in addition to the date rule).

  • requiredValue — validates that the selected value is True.

  • countries_handbook — ensures that the value is from the list of countries configured in your system.

  • client_addresses_handbook — ensures that the value is from the list of address types registered in your system.

  • nullable — allows the field to accept an empty value.

  • array — an array of values.

  • numeric — a numeric value.

Last updated

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