On this page, you can view a list of exchange transactions made on client accounts.
To view exchanges made on accounts of a particular client, go to the Transactions tab on the client details page.
The following information is provided about each exchange transaction:
Transaction ID
The identifier of an exchange transaction in the system.
Client ID
The client identifier.
The client’s name.
The client’s email address.
The tags assigned to a client that are used to sort a list of exchange transactions displayed to Back Office administrators.
Company Short
The short name of a client’s company.
Company Full
The full name of a client’s company.
From account
The number of a source account from which the exchanged asset amount is withdrawn.
Source amount
The amount that was exchanged, in the currency of a source account.
Source currency
The currency in which a source account is denominated.
To account
The number of a destination account to which the exchanged asset amount is deposited.
Destination amount
The amount that was exchanged, in the currency of a destination account.
Destination currency
The currency in which a destination account is denominated.
The commission amount charged for a transaction.
The exchange rate.
The current transaction status.
The date and time when an exchange transaction was made.
Exchanged By
Indicates if an exchange was made by a client in the B2CORE UI or by an admin in the Back Office.
See also
Last updated
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