Transaction statuses
The following statuses can be assigned to transactions such as deposits, withdrawals, transfers, internal transfers, and exchanges:
New — a transaction was created but hasn’t yet been processed.
Pending — indicates either that a transaction request awaits approval from the admin or that some technical issues occurred.
Hold (applicable for withdrawals only) — a requested withdrawal amount is being put on hold on a client account.
Hold failed (applicable for withdrawals only) — an error occurred when putting on hold a requested withdrawal amount.
Refund (applicable for withdrawals only) — after putting on hold a requested withdrawal amount, a transaction wasn’t further processed and the amount was successfully refunded to a client.
Refund failed (applicable for withdrawals only) — a requested withdrawal amount put on hold on a client account failed to be refunded due to technical issues.
In progress — a transaction is being processed.
Done — a transaction was successfully completed.
Partial — transaction processing wasn’t finished due to technical issues. Such transactions need to be addressed on the Finance > Transactions page (for details, refer to How to process transactions with the Partial status)
Failed — a transaction failed due to incorrect parameters.
Rejected — a transaction request was rejected by the admin.
Canceled — a transaction was canceled by a client.
Last updated
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