Client tab

This tab is visible by default. Here, you can find information about a particular client and view the client profile details, such as profile status and verification level.

The grayed-out fields are disabled and cannot be edited (most of them are system fields and filled automatically).

Use caution when customizing the following fields because this may affect a client’s permissions:

  • Email — this field is disabled by default. This email address is used by a client to log in to the system.

    To enable editing a client’s email, click the Edit button.

    To view the previous email addresses specified for a client, switch to the History tab and select the Email change history option.

  • Birthday — this field is disabled by default.

    To enable editing a client’s date of birth, click the Edit button.

A user must be at least 18 years old to be allowed to use the system.

  • Status — the current status of a client profile.

  • Client type — the type of a client profile.

  • Manager — the client’s manager. The scope of activities that a client is allowed to perform may vary depending on the client department and their assigned manager.

  • Verification level and Verification — the verification level obtained by a client. This level determines the scope of activities that a client is allowed to perform.

  • Tag — the tags assigned to a client, which are used to sort the client list displayed to Back Office administrators. These tags have no effect on client permissions.

  • Risk level — the risk level assigned to a client, which may determine the scope of activities that the client is allowed to perform.

On this tab, you can also add a picture to a client profile by clicking the Edit button located in the picture frame and selecting the required image. The added picture will be displayed in the client profile in the B2CORE UI.

Last updated

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