Event types for triggering event notifications for Back Office users

The following event types are supported for delivering event notifications to Back Office users via email, SMS, Slack or Telegram:



Account archiving request

Notifications about requests to archive client accounts.

Account creation request

Notifications about requests to create new client accounts (such as trading accounts or wallets).

Account deletion request

Notifications about requests to remove client accounts.

Address update request

Notifications about requests to update client addresses.

Avatar upload request

Notifications about requests to upload photos to client profiles.

Client data update request

Notifications about requests to change the clients’ first or last names.

Client documents approval request

Notifications about requests to approve documents submitted by clients for verification.

Client test passed

Notifications about accreditation tests completed by clients.

Client test request

Notifications about requests to check the results of client accreditation tests.

The results check is required if a test includes questions of the open, questionnaire or poll types.

Client type change request

Notifications about requests to change the types of client profiles.

Deposit request

Notifications about requests to deposit funds to client accounts.

Event log comments

Notifications about the notes and comments added to the Event log tab.

External transfer request

Notifications about requests to make external transfers.

Hedging failed

Notifications about failed hedging of exchange operations.

Internal transfer request

Notifications about requests to make internal transfers.

New IB app request

Notifications about requests to register new applications used for accessing Introducing brokers (IB).

SMS provider error

Notifications about the errors related to the SMS providers that are used to deliver verification codes to your clients.

Successful exchange

Notifications about successful exchange operations.

Successful payment

Notifications about successful payments.

Successful registration

Notifications about newly registered clients in the B2Core UI or Back Office.

Successful withdrawal

Notifications about successful withdrawals.

Suspicious transaction

Notifications about suspicious deposit or withdrawal transactions to which the red status is assigned in the course of transaction monitoring.

Transfer request

Notifications about requests to make transfers.

Verification level update request

Notifications about requests to update client verification levels.

Withdrawal initialized

Notifications about withdrawal requests created by clients.

Withdrawal request

Notifications about requests to withdraw funds from client accounts.