
On this page, you can find logs listing the actions made by the Back Office users.

The following information is provided about each logged action:

Actor Groups

The name of a user group that includes a Back Office user who made an action.


The email address of a Back Office user who made an action.

Event Category

The action’s scope. Possible values:

  • client — the client-related data was affected

  • operation — the transaction data was affected

Event Action

The action type. Possible values:

  • ADD



Event Name

The following client-related actions are tracked:

  • Client Created — a new client profile was registered

  • Client Updated — the data displayed on the Client tab on the client details page was modified

  • Client Info Updated — the data displayed on the Advanced tab on the client details page was modified

  • Client Phone Created — a new phone number was specified for a client on the Contacts tab on the client details page

  • Client Phone Deleted — a phone number was removed from the Contacts tab

  • Client Address Created — a new address was specified for a client on the Contacts tab

  • Client Address Updated — an address was modified on the Contacts tab

  • Client Address Deleted — an address was removed from the Contacts tab

  • Client Service Created — a client was subscribed to a paid service

  • Client Service Updated — a client’s subscription to a paid service was modified

  • Client Service Deleted — a client was unsubscribed from a paid service

The following transaction-related actions are tracked:

  • Operation Created — a deposit, withdrawal, transfer or exchange transaction was made. The transaction identifier and type are displayed in the Details column.


The detailed information about an action that was made.

Created At

The date and time when an action was made.