
On the Products page, you can view a list of all products and general information about them.


The product identifier that is automatically generated by the system.


The product name used in the Back Office.


The product name that is displayed in the B2Core UI.


The platform on which the product is available. For more details, refer to Platforms.


The group in which the product is included. For more details, refer to Groups.


The type of the product. The product can be of one of the following types:

  • Personal

  • Trade

  • Demo

  • Partner

  • Liquidity

  • Exchange

  • External

  • System


One or more currencies added for the product.


Set to 100 to denominate product-associated accounts in currency subunits (for example, cents); otherwise, set to 1.


The product status:

  • Disabled — the product is inactive and is not displayed in the B2Core UI. Product-associated accounts cannot be created. All new products are assigned this status upon creating.

  • Present — the product is not displayed in the B2Core UI. Product-associated accounts can be created only in the Back Office.

  • Hidden — the product is not displayed in the B2Core UI. Product-associated accounts can be created only in the Back Office.

  • Enabled — the product is active.

  • Default — the product is displayed in the B2Core UI. Product-associated accounts can be created in the Back Office or in the B2Core UI.

To view the product details, click the Edit button.

The details page is grouped into three tabs: Info, Currencies, and Detailed information.

Info tab

The tab contains general product settings:


One or more leverage ratios assigned to the product.

Default leverage

The default leverage ratio assigned to product-associated accounts that are created after the Autocreation on login option is triggered.

Group rights

A group of permissions for the selected users.

Rights and Default account rights

Permissions assigned to accounts opened based on the product.

The default rights are applied to accounts that are automatically created when clients sign in to the B2Core UI for the first time. To create accounts upon initial sign-in to the B2Core UI, enable the option Autocreation on login.

To find the list of possible permissions, see Product permissions.

Max accounts

The highest possible number of accounts that a client can create for the product.

To apply no limits on the number of accounts, enter -1.


The settings for email notifications.

Mail template

The email notification template.

Start amount

Applicable only for demo accounts

The initial balance on demo accounts.


The sequence number of the product in the list.

Agreement link

A link to a document to which a client must consent in order to open an account via the B2Core UI.

Link info

A link to a resource providing additional information about a product, which a client can click when creating an account via the B2Core UI.

Request required

If Yes, an administrator approval in the Back Office is required to open a new account in the B2Core UI.

Min deposit amount

The minimum deposit amount, in USD, required for accounts opened based on the product.

A client can deposit the entire amount at once or can make several deposits to add the required amount to the account. After the minimum deposit requirement is met, the account becomes available to the client.

Autocreation on login

If Yes, a product-associated account is created automatically for each client upon initial sign-in to the B2Core UI.

Agent account

Applicable only for MT4/5 products

In MetaTrader, the field is used to designate an account that will receive commissions or rebates for trades executed by clients. This field is commonly used for third-party IB programs where the agent or introducing broker is rewarded for bringing clients to the trading platform.

First transfer activation

Applicable only for MT5 products

If Enabled, MT5 accounts are created without the Trade enabled permission. This permission is granted to clients upon the first successful transfer to the account.

Account type

Applicable only for cTrader products

The account type: Hedged or Netted.

Margin calculation type

Applicable only for cTrader products

The type of total margin requirements per symbol applied to cTrader accounts upon creation. This type can’t be changed after the account has been created. Possible options:

  • Max — total margin requirements per symbol are the maximum margin requirements from all long and short positions of that symbol

  • Sum — total margin requirements per symbol are the sum of all margin requirements of all positions of that symbol

  • Net — total margin requirements per symbol are the difference between the margin requirements of all long and short positions of that symbol

If no margin calculation type is selected, the default cTrader type will be applied.

Currencies tab

The tab contains a list of product currencies for multi-currency accounts.

Click Actions to set the following restrictions for the product account:

Country restrictions

Grant or restrict access to the product account by country:

  • Select TypeDeny only or Allow only.

  • From the Rules dropdown, select the name of the country from which the access to the account is allowed or restricted.

  • Click Save.

Client type restriction

Grant or restrict access to the product account by client type:

  • Select TypeDeny only or Allow only.

  • From the Rules dropdown, select the client type.

  • Click Save.

Verification Auto-Create

Grant or restrict access to the product account by the verification level:

  • Select TypeDeny only or Allow only.

  • From the Rules dropdown, select the client verification level.

  • Click Save.

Introducing broker restrictions

Grant or restrict access to the product for the clients of a particular IB partner:

  • Select EnabledYes or No.

  • Select TypeAllow only or Deny only.

  • In the Rules field, specify the client identifier assigned to the IB partner. You can add one or more clients to the list.

  • Click Save.

If you select the Allow only option, you grant access to the product only to the IB clients of the specified partners. The IB clients of other partners cannot access this product.

If you select the Deny only option, you restrict access to the product only for the IB clients of the specified partners. The IB clients of other partners can access this product.