
On this page, you can find a list of all clients registered in the B2Core UI.

General information

The following information is provided about each client:


The identifier of a client in the system.


The client’s name.


The date and time when a client profile was created.


The current status of a client profile in the B2Core UI.


The mail address used by a client to log in to the B2Core UI.


The tags assigned to a client that are used to sort the client list displayed to Back Office administrators.


The client’s manager.


The client’s phone number.


The client’s country (if specified by a client during registration or KYC verification process).


The client’s city.


The client profile type.

Internal client type

For internal use only. The internal client profile category.

Verification level

The verification level obtained by a client.

Company Short

The short name of a client’s company.

Company Full

The full name of a client’s company.

Risk level

The risk level assigned to a client, which may determine the scope of activities that the client is allowed to perform.

Last login

The date and time when a client was last logged in to the B2Core UI.

To assign tags to multiple clients or change their profile statuses at once, click the Select button, and then select the clients by clicking client rows, or click Select All. Next, expand the Edit selected clients drop-down menu, and then select Assign Tags or Select Status.

To view client details, click the Edit button and switch to a tab displaying the required information.


To access tabs displaying additional information, click the menu button drop-down-menu-button located in the upper right page corner and expand the drop-down list that displays the available options.

The available tabs are described in the subsequent sections of this document.

Client tab

This tab is visible by default. Here, you can find the information about a particular client and view the client profile details, such as profile status and verification level.


The grayed-out fields are disabled and cannot be edited (most of them are system fields and filled automatically).

Use caution when customizing the following fields because this may affect a client’s permissions:

  • Email — this field is disabled by default. This email address is used by a client to log in to the system.

    To enable editing a client’s email, click the Edit button.

    To view the previous email addresses specified for a client, switch to the History tab and select the Email change history option.

  • Birthday — this field is disabled by default.

    To enable editing a client’s date of birth, click the Edit button.


A user must be at least 18 years old to be allowed to use the system.

  • Status — the current client profile status.

  • Client type — the type of a client profile.

  • Manager — the client’s manager. The scope of activities that a client is allowed to perform may vary depending on the client department and their assigned manager.

  • Verification level and Verification — the verification level obtained by a client. This level determines the scope of activities that a client is allowed to perform.

  • Tag — the tags assigned to a client that are used to sort the client list displayed to Back Office administrators. These tags have no effect upon client permissions.

  • Risk level — the risk level assigned to a client, which may determine the scope of activities that the client is allowed to perform.

On this tab, you can also add a picture to a client profile by clicking the Edit button located in the picture frame and selecting the required image. The added picture will be displayed in the client profile in the B2Core UI.

Contacts tab

On this tab, you can view a list of a client’s addresses and phone numbers as well as add the required contact information. Here, you can also dial a specified client phone number via a configured phone service provider by clicking the phone button phone-button.

Event log tab

On this tab, you can add notes and comments about a client and organize them by categories. You can edit the text of these comments, format it, insert hyperlinks and add attachments.

When adding a note or comment, you can tag particular administrators that will receive automatic emails with notifications about your comment. Responses obtained from administrators are displayed under corresponding comments.

You can navigate to the Events log subsection to view a list of notes and comments for which you were marked as a recipient and find the details about the available categories of event logs.

Accounts tab

On this tab, you can view a list of client accounts, as well as the data about total deposits, total net deposits and total withdrawals made on these accounts.

At the bottom of the page, the following information is displayed:

Total deposit (USD) (All Pages)

The total amount deposited by a client to their accounts, converted to USD.

It is calculated as a sum of deposit amounts to client accounts, specified in the Final Amount (USD) column on the Finance > Deposits page.

Total withdrawal (USD) (All Pages)

The total amount withdrawn by a client from their accounts, converted to USD.

It is calculated as a sum of withdrawal amounts from client accounts, specified in the Final Amount (USD) column on the Finance > Payouts page.

Total net deposit (USD) (All Pages)

The total net amount of deposits on all client accounts, converted to USD.

It is calculated as follows: Total deposit (USD) - Total withdrawal (USD).


In order to calculate the amounts of total deposits, total net deposits and total withdrawals for each client, exchange rate providers must be specified for all currencies enabled in your B2Core Back Office.

Only the deposit and withdrawal transactions that were made after specifying the rate providers are considered in calculations, while previously made transactions are ignored.

Transactions tab

On this tab, you can find the details about a client’s transactions.

Select the type of a transaction to view the details:


The list of a client’s deposits.

Total amount (All Pages) indicates the total amount deposited by a client to their accounts, in the selected currency. This value is only displayed when the Currency column is filtered by a specific currency, reflecting the total deposit amount in that currency.


The list of a client’s payouts.

Total amount (All Pages) indicates the total amount withdrawn by a client from their accounts, in the selected currency. This value is only displayed when the Currency column is filtered by a specific currency, reflecting the total withdrawn amount in that currency.


The list of a client’s transfers.


The list of a client’s exchange operations.

Balance change operation

The history of changes to a client’s balance resulting from an administrator’s actions in the Back Office, which includes the following information:

  • Date — the date and time when a change to a client’s balance has occurred

  • Account — the user account number

  • Amount — the transaction amount

  • Deposit/Withdraw — the transaction type

  • Admin user — the administrator who made the transaction


The changes to a client’s balance effected by a Back Office administrator are not reflected in the Deposits and Payouts lists.

Finance tab

On this tab, you can find a list of a client’s deposit and withdrawal wallets as well as a list of saved withdrawal templates.

Select the type of a wallet to view the details:

Withdrawal wallets

On this page, you can view a list of wallets that were used by a client for withdrawal of funds.


The method used to withdraw funds.


The wallet currency.


The public wallet address.

Destination tag

Applicable only for certain currencies (XRP, XLM, BNB and XEM).

Saved withdrawals

On this page, you can view a list of saved withdrawal templates. Such templates can be created by a client when making a withdrawal, to avoid specifying the same information repeatedly for similar subsequent withdrawals.


The name of a payment system.

Saved at

The date and time when a withdrawal template was saved.

After clicking the eye icon, you are navigated to a page displaying the details of a selected withdrawal template.

The withdrawal template data is stored in the JSON format.

Deposit wallets

On this page, you can view a list of cryptocurrency wallets that were generated for a client.


The method used to deposit funds.


The currencies enabled for a wallet.


The public wallet address.

Destination tag

Applicable only for certain currencies (XRP, XLM, BNB and XEM).

History tab

On this tab, you can view the history of changes of a client’s password, email address, verification level and 2FA options.

Select one of the following options to view the details:

Password change history

On this page, you can find the details about previously changed client passwords:


The date and time when the password was changed.


The type of an action that resulted in changing the password:

  • Restored — the password was updated by a client.

  • Changed by admin — the client’s password was updated by an administrator.

Changed by

The email address of a person who changed the password.

Test results

On this page, you can find a list of accreditation tests that a client has passed in the B2Core UI and view their results.

Authorization history

On this page, you can view the log of client sessions in the B2Core UI.

Auth date

The date and time when a client logged in to the B2Core UI.

Auth IP

The IP address from which a client logged in to the B2Core UI.

Auth location

The location (country and city) from which a client logged in to the B2Core UI, which is determined based on the client IP address.


The result of a login attempt: success or failed.

Email change history

On this tab, you can view the log of changes made to a client’s email address.

Origin Email

The previous client email address.

Changed To

The current email address that is used by a client to sign in to the B2Core UI.

Changed Data

The date when an email address was changed.

Changed By

The email address of a person who changed the client email.

If an email address was specified for the first time, the Origin email and Changed by columns are empty.

2FA history view

The log indicating when 2FA was enabled or disabled for a client contains the following data:


The date and time when 2FA was enabled or disabled for a client.


The action type indicating whether 2FA was enabled or disabled.


The 2FA service provider.

Verification change history

On this page, you can view the details about each verification level obtained by a client.

This information includes the name of a previous and newly obtained levels, as well as the date and time when each verification level was obtained and the name of a person that granted the level to a client, along with a reason why it was granted.

MT Accounts tab (deprecated)

This tab has been deprecated.

Trades tab

On this tab, you can view a history of trades executed by a client on B2Trader.

Order ID

The identifier assigned to an order on B2Trader.


The currency pair.


The trade side: buy or sell.


The amount traded, in a quote currency.


The trade execution price.


The amount traded, in a base currency.


The commission charged for a trade.

Fee Product

The commission currency.


The date and time when a trade was executed.

B2Margin Accounts tab

On this tab, you can monitor a client’s margin accounts created in the B2Margin system.


The identifier of a data record in the system.

Account ID

The identifier of a B2Margin account.


The account currency.


The total balance on an account.


The account equity.


The total margin on an account.

Free Margin

The available margin on an account.

Unrealized PL

The hypothetical profit or loss on a client account, which is calculated based on ongoing fluctuations of the price of assets currently traded by the client.

Open Positions

The number of open positions on an account.

Open Orders

The number of open orders on an account.

Created At

The date and time when an account was created.

Click an account to view the account details that are displayed on the following tabs:

  • Positions — displays a list of open positions

  • Open Orders — displays a list of open margin orders

  • Trades — displays a list of executed trades

  • Order History — displays a list of all margin orders opened on this account

Introducing brokers tab

On this tab, you can find information about referral programs which a client has joined.

Introducing broker ID

The identifier assigned to a client after joining a particular referral program.


The name of a referral program. To view program details, click its name.

Services tab

On this tab, you can view a list of paid services to which a client is subscribed, as well as subscribe the client to a new service by clicking Add client service.


When subscribing a client to certain services, you may be required to specify additional parameters.

Service full name

The name of a paid service.

Service group

The name of a group to which a subscribed paid service belongs.


The current status of a subscription to a paid service.

On this tab, you can also view the columns displaying additional parameters applied to paid services to individually configure them for a client.

You can only view the parameters included in the categories for which you are assigned the permissions to view or view and edit.

Files tab

On this tab, you can view and manage files related to a particular client.

By default, the folder tree on this tab reflects the structure of system client folders. As a more advanced approach to storing files, you can create and then manage custom folders, taking into account the following considerations:

  • A folder tree can be of any nesting depth.

  • Predefined folders cannot be deleted on this tab.

  • You can view only those predefined system folders to which you were granted access.

If a system folder is created with the same name as that of a custom folder of some client, a _Custom postfix is added to the custom folder name, and the system folder is created at the same nesting level.

Use the following buttons to perform a specific action:

Download all

Choose a method to export a ZIP archive containing files related to a particular client (you can send the archive to your email address or download it to your computer).

To export all files, click Download All.

To export specific files, press Command (on macOS) or Ctrl (on Windows), select the required files with the mouse cursor, and then click Download All.

Add file

Upload client files from your computer or a cloud to the Back Office.

Add multiple files

Upload multiple client files at once.

Add directory

Create a new folder.


Rename files or move them to other folders. The files can only be moved between folders related to a specific client.


Delete selected files or folders.


Discard unsaved changes.


Apply the changes.

Settings tab

On this tab, you can configure various client profile settings, which are grouped under the following sections:


In this section, you can select a communication language and set a color to be applied to a client’s requests:

Communication Language

The language in which communication with a client is conducted. See Localizations for a list of supported languages.

Request color

The color used to highlight requests from a client that are displayed in the Requests section.

You can click the gray input field and pick the color from a palette. Alternatively, you can specify the color name, or define its HEX or RGBA value.


In this section, you can learn about 2FA (two-factor authentication) options configured for a client:

  • SMS — if enabled, a client receives 2FA verification codes using SMS

  • Google — if enabled, a client receives 2FA verification codes using the Google Authenticator app


In this section, you can override the permissions granted to a client based on the obtained verification level. The permissions determine which kinds of operations the client is allowed to make in the B2Core UI.


If selected, clients are allowed to obtain a higher verification level in the B2Core UI.


If selected, clients can exchange funds in the B2Core UI.


If selected, clients can deposit funds in the B2Core UI.


If selected, clients can withdraw funds in the B2Core UI.

Internal transfer

If selected, funds can be transferred from one client to another within the same B2Core system.

Overwrite with explicit settings

After enabling or disabling specific permissions for a client, select this option, and then click Save to apply the changes. The permissions that don’t correspond to the current verification level of a client are marked with (*).


In this section, you can limit the maximum number of demo and live trading accounts available to a client.

The number of demo accounts can be limited for any trading platform providing the capability to create demo accounts.

The values specified on this tab override the default system limits defined in the Products section.

Advanced tab

On this tab, you can find additional information provided by a client during registration.

The fields displayed on this tab depend on the Registration wizard configuration.

Compliances tab

On this tab, you can view, add and edit text notes, or comments, related to a particular client.

These comments are displayed only in the Back Office. Your clients will not receive any notifications upon adding these comments.

The following information is displayed about each internal comment:


The text of an internal comment about a client.


The date and time when a comment was added.


The administrator who added a comment.

Last Editor

The administrator who has last edited a comment.

Devices tab

On this tab, you can view a list of devices from which a client was logged in to the B2Core UI.

This list indicates the client IP address, device operation system, client browser and device fingerprint data containing detailed information about the device from which a client has logged in to the B2Core UI.

Documents tab

On this tab, you can view a list of documents that were used for client profile verification.


The document identifier in the Back Office.


The document type.


The current status of a client’s document approval request.

Request ID

The identifier of a client’s document approval request.

Mailing Log tab

On this tab, you can view a list of messages sent to a client email and export this data to a CSV or XLSX file.


The email identifier in the system.

Active queue ID

The identifier of a queue in which an email is included.


The client email address.


The email subject.

Attempt date

The date and time when the most recent attempt to send an email was made.


The email delivery status: IN PROGRESS, FAIL or SUCCESS.


The reason why an email delivery failed.

To export the email data to a CSV or XLSX file, click the Export button located in the upper-right corner of the screen. You can download the file to your computer or send it to the email address specified in your profile.

To view a complete list of emails sent to all clients, switch to the mailing log by navigating to Mailing > System > Log.