How to create a temporary bonus program

You can create temporary bonus programs in the Back Office. Once a bonus program is created, it’s immediately displayed on the Bonuses page in the B2Core UI, enabling clients to claim bonuses from that program.

To create a temporary bonus program:

  1. Navigate to Bonuses > Temporary Bonuses.

  2. Click Create, and then select the trading platform for which you want to create the bonus program.

  3. On the Create Temporary Bonus page, fill in the following fields:

    • In the Name field, enter the name of the bonus program, which will be displayed to clients in the B2Core UI.

    • In the Amount field, specify the bonus amount.

    • In the Currency dropdown, select the currency for the bonus program. Only trading account denominated in the selected currency can be used to claim the bonus from the program.

    • In the Expired filed, set the end date and time for the bonus program.

    • In the Platform Groups, select one or more groups created on the trading platform, in which trades are counted towards the traded volume of the bonus program.

    • In the Preset dropdown, you can optionally select a preset to automatically fill in the remaining fields based on preset settings.

      Alternatively, you can leave the Preset field empty and fill in the remaining fields manually:

    • In the Lifetime (days) field, enter the duration, in days, during which clients must trade the required volume.

    • In the Lot per unit field, enter the ratio that is used to determine the volume that must be traded by clients.

      The ratio is applied to the specified bonus amount, and the required volume is calculated as follows: Required volume = Bonus amount / Lot per unit

    • In the Set credit immediately, select either of the two values:

      • Enabled — when a client claims bonuses from multiple programs at a time using the same trading account, all claimed bonuses are immediately added to their account as credit, enabling the client to use credit funds for trading.

      • Disabled — when a client claims bonuses from multiple programs at a time using the same trading account, the claimed bonuses are added to their trading account one after another. Only after the first claimed bonus is processed and assigned the final status (Completed or Expired), the second claimed bonus is added to the client trading account as credit, and so on.

    • In the Ignored open/close interval (sec) field, specify the minimum duration, in seconds, for which the client must keep positions open for them to be counted towards the traded volume of the bonus program.

    • In the Autoenable trading if balance > 0 dropdown, select either of the two values:

      • Enabled — when the account balance changes from zero or negative to positive, the Trade Enabled permission is automatically restored for the account, enabling the client to resume trading on their account, including the use of the bonus credit.

      • Disabled — when the account balance changes from zero or negative to positive, the Trade Enabled permission isn’t automatically restored for the account.

    • In the Ignored symbol groups dropdown, select one or more symbol groups in which trades aren’t counted towards the traded volume of the bonus program. You can leave this field empty.

  4. Click Save to create the temporary bonus program.

The created bonus program is now listed on the Bonuses page in the B2Core UI.


This example illustrates how to interpret the requirements of the temporary bonus program with the following settings:

Bonus program settings

To receive the bonus amount of 386 USD from the bonus program, a client needs to claim the bonus in the B2Core UI using their active trading account opened on the MetaTrader 5 Live platform and denominated in USD.

After claiming the bonus, the bonus is added to the client trading account as credit, enabling the client to use credit funds for trading. In order to receive the bonus credit on their account balance, the client must fulfill the following bonus program requirements:

Program setting


Amount = 386 and Lot per unit = 10

Both settings are used to determine the volume that must be traded by the client: Required volume = Amount / Lot per unit = 386 / 10 = 38,6 lots

Lifetime (days) = 20

To receive the bonus credit on the account balance, the client must trade the required volume within 20 days after the bonus credit is added to their trading account. The traded volume is calculated based on the volume of closed positions. Moreover, these positions must be opened after claiming the bonus and receiving it as credit, and they must be closed before the end of the bonus program.

For example, if the client opens a position, then claims and receives the bonus as credit from the given program, and subsequently closes the position, the volume of that closed position won’t contribute to the traded volume of the bonus program.

Platform Groups = real/Group-Standard-USD-B, real/Group-Standard-BTC-A

Only the volume of trades made in the selected groups are counted towards the traded volume of the bonus program.

Ignored open/close interval (sec) = 5

The client must keep positions open for at least 5 seconds for them to be counted towards the traded volume of the bonus program.

Ignored symbol groups = Shares/Shares HIGH/Shares USD HIGH

If the client trades the symbols from the selected group, the volume of these trades isn’t counted towards the traded volume of the bonus program.

Set credit immediately = Enabled

Indicates that after claiming the bonus, the bonus amount of 386 USD is immediately added to the client trading account as credit without waiting for the completion of any other bonus program on that account.

Autoenable trading if balance > 0 = Enabled

Indicates that if the account balance changes from zero or negative to positive, the permission to trade on the account is automatically restored.