
On this page, you can view a list of all payouts made on client accounts.

To view payouts made on accounts of a particular client, switch to the Transactions tab on the client details page.

General information

The following information is provided about each payout transaction:

Withdrawal number

The sequence number of a payout transaction in the system.

Client ID

The identifier of a client in the system.


The client’s name.


The client’s email address.


The tags assigned to a client that are used to sort a list of payout transactions displayed to Back Office administrators.


The client’s country (if specified by a client during registration or KYC verification process).

Company Short

The short name of a client’s company.

Company Full

The full name of a client’s company.


The number of an account from which funds are withdrawn.


The method used to withdraw funds.


The name of a payout method in the system.

Groups of method

The group to which a payout method belongs.


The payout amount.


The currency in which a payout amount is specified.

Vendor Commission

The commission charged by a broker.

Provider Commission

The commission charged by a payment system.

Commission currency

The currency in which commissions are charged.

Final amount

The payout amount (less commissions), in the payout currency.

Final currency

The payout currency (in which a payout amount is debited from a client account).


The exchange rate applied to convert a payout amount to the final currency.

Rate currency

The final currency to which a deposit amount is converted.

Rate (USD)

The exchange rate applied to convert a payout amount to USD.

Final amount (USD)

The payout amount (less commissions), in USD.


The current transaction status.


The date and time when a payout was made.


The date and time when a payout was processed.

Account type

The type of a product to which an account belongs.

Internal client type

For internal use only. The internal client profile category.


The unique identifier of a transaction in the payment system.


The unique address of a transaction in a blockchain.

Blockchain fee

The blockchain commission.


The public address of a wallet.

Destination Tag

Applicable only to XRP, XLM, BNB and XEM.

Dealing approved

For internal use only. The result of a check made by the Finance Department.

Compliance approved

For internal use only. The result of a check made by the Legal Department.

Internal comment

For internal use only. An optional note about a transaction.

At the bottom of the page, the following information is displayed:

Total withdrawal (USD) (All Pages)

The total amount withdrawn by all clients from their accounts, converted to USD.

It is calculated as a sum of withdrawal amounts specified in the Final Amount (USD) column.


In order to calculate the amount of total withdrawals, exchange rate providers must be specified for all currencies enabled in your B2Core Back Office.

Only the withdrawal transactions that were made after specifying the rate providers are considered in calculations, while previously made transactions are ignored.

To view transaction details, click the Edit button or the number displayed in the Withdrawal number column.


The following additional information is provided about each payout transaction:


The sequence number of a payout transaction in the system (the same as the one displayed in the Withdrawal number column).


The current transaction status.


The unique identifier of a payment operation in the payment system.


The date when a payout was made.

Invoice date

The date when an invoice was created.

Result date

The date when a payout was debited.


The method used to withdraw funds.


The payout amount.


The currency in which a payout amount is specified.

Vendor Commission

The commission charged by a broker.

Provider Commission

The commission charged by a payment system.

Final amount

The payout amount (less commissions), in the payout currency.

Internal comment

An optional note about a payout. Enter a note or edit the existing one, and then click Save to apply the changes.

Dealing approved

For internal use only. The result of a check made by the Finance Department.

Compliance approved

For internal use only. The result of a check made by the Legal Department.

Request ID

The identifier of a client request to withdraw funds.


The request status.


The reason why a request was rejected.


The number of an account from which funds are withdrawn.

Account balance

The current balance on an account.

Account type

The type of a product to which an account belongs.


The client’s name.


The client’s email address.

Transaction monitoring

To submit a transaction monitoring request, click the Check transaction button. This button is unavailable if the transaction has already been checked. Repeated requests to check the same transaction will be ignored. After sending a request, it can be assigned one of the following statuses:

  • Request sent — a request was sent and processed. View the result on the Transaction monitoring page.

  • Request in process — a request was sent and is being processed.